Consentic is a digital consent solution providing consent for doctors, clinics, medical practices, hospitals and clinical trials. We have a comprehensive library of peer-reviewed animations, and forms, that have interactive checklists to secure patient understanding prior to them signing a secure electronic consent form. Consentic improves and standardises the consent process, making consent simpler and more reassuring for patients, and safer and faster for clinicians.
Consentic is simple to use and faster than conventional consent.
- STEP 1: The consent video/form is selected for the patient’s procedure or clinical trial. Any risks specific to that patient can be documented on the platform by the clinician, and additional information can be uploaded.
- STEP 2: The patient watches the animation or reads the form relevant to their procedure. At any time, patients can pause, rewind and repeat any section of the video. The patient can be emailed a link to watch the video from home.
- STEP 3: The patient is prompted to complete questions about the procedure/clinical trial that highlight specific risks. Patient queries are alerted to the clinician.
- STEP 4: The consent is signed by the patient and the clinician. This is emailed to a practice/study site and loaded into the patients medical record. The consent form is securely stored on the platform, protecting you now and into the future.
We have an extensive (and expanding) library of animations and forms available covering the following procedures:
- bariatrics
- breast surgery
- cardiology
- cosmetic medicine
- dental
- dermatology
- gastroenterology
- general practice
- interventional radiology
- nephrology
- neurosurgery
- ophthalmology
- orthopaedic surgery
- respiratory medicine
- rheumatology
- photodynamic therapy (PDT)
- plastic surgery
Helpful links
All of our video animations are created by medical specialists, and are reviewed by medicolegal experts prior to publication on Consentic.
There are more than 150 peer-reviewed studies in the medical literature supporting the use of video-assisted consent to improve consent for medical procedures.
Consent for medical treatment is not standardised between practitioners, practices and institutions. Consentic aims to bring clarity and consistency to consent.
Benefits include but are not limited to:
- Time saved per consent
- Standardised consent
- Improved patient and clinician satisfaction
- Improved patient understanding
- Reduced patient anxiety
- Improved patient compliance with post-operative instructions
- Potential reduction in medicolegal risk.
What is the benefit to my patients?
- Improved patient satisfaction
- Improved comprehension and retention of material presented
- Reduced anxiety leading up to the procedure
- Improved compliance with post-operative instructions.
The animations are able to be customised to suit you. Contact us for a quote.
Please do! We welcome suggestions and look forward to hearing from you.
Please contact us at info@consentic.com or visit our contact page.
We can set up your Consentic account immediately. Our team will take 5 to 10 minutes of your time to onboard and show you around the platform. If you require bespoke content, then the process takes a couple of weeks.
Our platform is rated at 4.5/5 stars by patients, who find it simple and easy to use. The animations are designed to be simple to understand and have been shown in two RCTs to improve patient understanding, regardless of their educational background.
Patients and participants receive an unique link via email, or sms. No log in required. This takes them through the consent process step by step.
Optimised on smart phone, desktop or smart tablet
We take patient privacy seriously. All information is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliant. All data is encrypted at transit and at rest.
The signed consent form is stored on the Consentic platform and is also emailed to the chosen address at the clinic/trial site. It can be downloaded and stored on file for future reference. If we are integrated into your EMR, it is directly populated into your patients file.
Consentic doesn’t store any credit card information. All transactions are encrypted through Stripe.
We have the option to translate our medical consent videos and forms into any language. Please contact us with the language you require, by emailing us at info@consentic.com or visit our contact page.
Consentic video animations are comprehensive, yet simple to understand and enhance patient comprehension. The data of the patient watching the animation is logged, and patient understanding is tested prior to your patient signing a legally binding electronic medical consent form, so you can demonstrate they have understood procedure specific risks. Whilst we cannot guarantee that you will not be litigated against, you can rest assured that you have provided robust consent. All videos are archived for 20 years and any revisions or new versions are tracked, should problems ever arise.
No. Our flexible payment options mean you purchase monthly consent packages. There is absolutely no obligation to continue using the platform, and you will never be charged for anything without your consent.
If you already have a Participant Information and Consent Form (PICF), we can proceed immediately. If not, and a PICF needs to be created, we can do this within 48 hours.